A Voice Crying

A Voice Crying
"Be Ye Separate Saith the Lord" 2 Corinthians 6:17

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Deception of Constantine

I don't want to make a habit of posting videos or content from other sources but I cannot avoid this posting. In light of this holiday season where professing Christians engage in customs and traditions that have NO biblical basis I feel obligated by the light of biblical truth to pass this on.

The following documentary is from the History Channel. In general I do not like the History Channel and rid my self of cable television in 2010 when they admitted they were going to "reinterpret" history. This is probably the most honest documentary I have seen the History Channel do. I have done some of this research in a limited way, see my post, "Have a Drunken Christmas" but this documentary is very revealing.

Just keep in mind that every time they use the word, "Christian" what they really mean is Roman Catholicism. While the host of the documentary does not overtly make this connection he does make the statement several times that what Constantine was representing was NOT Christian and the subtitle of the documentary is "The beginnings of Roman Catholicism.

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