We have those moments in our lives when we become preoccupied with life events that are not pleasant or create uncertainty. This morning I knelt in prayer to seek the Lord and my mind kept wandering to a project I am working on and two other major issues in my life right now. As I evaluated these issues it was clear they were strictly of earthly matters. Issues that will one day pass and may have no effect upon eternity. Paul said, “life is but a vapor”. In our finite condition, life on earth is here for a brief moment and then its gone. For some its about the same amount of time as yawning. For others it may be the same amount of time as sneezing all compared to eternity. Most of what “happens” in life on this planet is of little significance in heaven. Our disposition , behavior or attitude toward what is “happening” is of heavenly consequence. Ideally, nothing in this earthly existence should cause us anxiety. This world is not our home. Jesus said, “I am not of this world”. Our home is in heaven. In Ephesians 2:6 Paul told these Christians that “we are seated together in heavenly places with Christ Jesus”.
Christ Jesus did not exhibit temporal anxiety during His earthly sojourn. He had no worries over his next mortgage payment. He had no son in prison or a daughter on crack. Christ had no health concerns or fears of his pension being robbed by the government. He had no anxiety over the issues of life. Even though he knew Judas would betray Him Christ expressed no anxiety but complete submission to the fathers will. The only anxiety Jesus ever expressed was heavenly in nature. In the garden of Gethsemane He prayed so hard till blood came from the pores in His skin. The fulfillment of His earthly mission was nearing and He knew this task involved separation from the father. We cannot fathom the breadth, the depth and length of this moment where Christ took upon Himself the curse of man and experienced separation from the Father. In a sense it was like God denying Himself. Christs passion was a moment worthy of anxiety. Yet His righteousness overcame and therein is our righteousness hid.
If there is anything in this earth that should bring us anxiety it is those things that separate us from God. It should be those things that impede us from serving the Lord. Those things that take our eyes off of eternity. God help us that we may stay fixed and focused on Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith. With our eyes set on the prize before us that we might run the good race may we bring our wills into submission to Almighty God. May all things that come our way in this earthly existence be stepping stones to that heavenly prize in Christ Jesus. Jonathon Edwards said, “Lord, stamp eternity on my eyeballs”. May we look at life around us through the lens of eternity. We are not of this world. Lord help us to live as such.
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