A Voice Crying

A Voice Crying
"Be Ye Separate Saith the Lord" 2 Corinthians 6:17

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Keeping the Faith Part 3

Today's message in this series is entitled; Through the Flesh
By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh Hebrews 10:20

The Levitical Offerings did not make provision for all sin and could not take away the guilt or penalty of sin. Salvation has always been by grace through faith.

A. A New Way- God the Father looks upon His Son as the sacrificial lamb that was freshly killed for us

B. A Living Way- The freshly killed Lamb is alive.

C. Consecrated Veil - “Take up your cross and follow me” leaves no room for half hearted submission. As the one bringing a sacrifice to the tabernacle or temple would lay their hand on the animal to confer their sin and identify with the animal sacrifice so we through faith confer our sin upon Christ the Lamb and identify with Him in His death. Can we give Him any less than our ALL?

You can listen to the 20 minute message in the podcast link to the right or go here: http://cryinthewilderness.podbean.com/e/keeping-the-faith-part-3/?token=6c1a4e671181aef56b5e74f98cb49c3f

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