I live near Charleston, SC and currently am watching the flood waters rise behind my house. I live very near the Ashely river which is one of the two rivers that forms Charleston Harbor or as the locals say, "the Ashley and Cooper Rivers come together to form the Atlantic Ocean". The flood waters are creeping up the side of my house as I write this but I believe that God is in control and the waters will subside without damage to my home. My immediate area had 17.34 inches of rain in four days. Naturally I have been a bit anxious the past two days and have not slept much. I keep vigil to ensure a flash flood or surging water does not threaten me or my property.
This morning I had what I call a shotgun devotion. I usually have a biblical book that I read through and was recently reading through Nehemiah for my prayer time. This morning I asked the Lord to speak to me in His word. "Dear Lord, help me make some sense of this catastrophic event in SC". Its the worst flooding that South Carolina has had in its 345 year existence. When you shoot a shotgun you just point and shoot. I opened God's word at random and I let my eyes fall on a text. There isn't much aiming going on. I opened the word and my eyes fell on Isaiah 47:7 "And thou saidst, I shall be a lady for ever" Tell me that God does not have a sense of humor. I praise Him for His gentle love and comedic relief during such a stressful time. I laughed out loud and said, "OK Lord", I don't think this really applies to me. Then my eyes turned to the opposite page at Isaiah 48:1-2
"Hear ye this, O house of Jacob, which are called by the name of Israel, and are come forth out of the waters of Judah, which swear by the name of the Lord, and make mention of the God of Israel, but not in truth, nor in righteousness. 2For they call themselves of the holy city,"
When I saw the word "water" that got my attention. That is what I have seen around my home for 4 days now and its preoccupied my mind. I did not want to read something into the text that isn't there until I read the next verse, "for they call themselves of the holy city". Google or Bing, "Holy City" and up pops Charleston. The Holy City is THE nickname of Charleston because it is supposedly populated with the largest number of churches in any American city. Sadly though Charleston could easily be the people that Isaiah is writing to because they "make mention of the God of Israel but not in truth or righteousness".
Charleston is a beautiful city. Its charm is very seductive but not in a sleazy way like New Orleans. But it is seductive none the less. Charleston is repeatedly voted the friendliest city in America by different travel magazines. The ambiance of the town is very romantic. It's a foody town where one can enjoy fine dining at over 200 restaurants for an affordable price. Charleston history is American history with a vital role in the two most defining wars of American history, the Revolution and the War Between the States. I was drawn to her charm the first time I visited and decided right then I was moving here. I think charm is the perfect word to describe Charleston. Charm n. 1. The power or quality of pleasing, attracting or fascinating. 2. A particular quality or feature that fascinates or attracts. 3. Anything that is worn for its magical affect as in warding off evil.
The etymology of "charm" is found in witchcraft. Charleston is the birthplace of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Freemasonry is very big and very influential here for over 250 years. Freemasonry is not witchcraft but it finds its common origins in the mystery religions of Babylon. While there are many churches in Charleston the Masonic influence is pervasive. Add to that a cultured hedonistic spirit that includes widespread public acceptance and promotion of homosexuality and you have a "holy city" but not in "truth or righteousness".
Charleston is a beautiful town and I love her history but it is a wicked place. When the word "wicked" is used its often associated with mass murderers, sadistic psychopathic killers like Charles Manson or Hitler. Nice and kind people can be wicked. At the root of all sin, whether it be murder or telling a white lie, is pride and vanity. Exalting oneself and having a disregard of God is wickedness. Secular humanism is clearly wicked but one does not have to murder, steal or rape to be a secular humanist. Charleston can be described as the "anti-New Orleans". Charleston is clean, hospitable and you won't read of riots happening every other weekend. New Orleans is wicked for its sexual promiscuity and occult activity. Charleston is guilty of the same thing but in a more covert or refined manner.
I'm not sure if this is why God unleashed His fury upon South Carolina, but I can't help but think this may have something to do with it. It may also have something to do with the all out attack upon all things Confederate. I am not politicizing anything here. The reality is that the state opted to believe a lie rather than stand for the truth when it came to taking down the Confederate flag which was legally hoisted. Truth is truth whether its biblical, scientific or historic. The South Carolina government promoted a lie about history instead of standing for the truth. How can they be trusted with political matters. The ramifications of their actions will have far reaching effects. Every symbol of American freedom including the cross of Jesus Christ will be assaulted.
16These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19
The satellite image of this storm of the millennia shows the storm clearly targeted South Carolina from its Northern coastal border to its Southern Coastal border. No matter where the hurricane moved the low pressure over Georgia sucked in the water vapor into South Carolina. The bands of rain that poured in off shore looked like the hand of God guiding them right up I-26 from Charleston to Columbia. I was on my computer nearly every hour watching this for four days.
God is trying to get somebodies attention down here. Seek the Lord while He may yet be found.
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